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Currently I am building out an AD environment in my home lab. This lab will be […]
Tools for kerberoasting  
Tokens are temporary keys that grant you access without having to provide credentials each time. Think […]
Cracking NTLM hashes with hashcat You can pass around NTLM hashes. You cannot pass NTLM2 hashes […] is part of the IMpacket toolkit Its much quieter than Metsploit This can run and […]
Pass the Hash / Pass the Password When we have the hash or password, we can […]
Bettercap is a tool that can be used as a MITM attack on a network. This […]
This room is designed for users to get familiar with the Bolt CMS and how it can be […] SRUM stands for System Resource Usage monitor. It is built into Windows 8 and 10. […]
Create a named pipe to redirect traffic fifo is first in first out mkfifo backpipe Listen […]