Hello Hacker!

TopTierConversions LTD is proud to announce its latest and greatest product launch: MD2PDF.

This easy-to-use utility converts markdown files to PDF and is totally secure! Right…?

This box in new and interesting for me. We have some PDF issues within my organization and i would like to have some evidence towards in an effort to prevent some malicious apps.

This box is looking for just a flag. So lets get to enumerating!

We have quite a bit that triggered in our nmap scan

Navigating to webpage (since 80 is open), we get a PDF converting tool

Also at :5000 we get another similar tool

running gobuster we get an immediate hit on /admin. Although that directory looks locked down

There is a hint towards our end goal here (localhost:5000)

From here we are going to create an iframe to call localhost:5000

Pressing convert and we retrieve our flag!